Recovery coaches are essential workers who support individuals in recovery, as well as family members, friends, and allies. Recovery coaches remove barriers to recovery, ensuring all individuals in recovery and those seeking recovery are treated with dignity and respect. Their support comes in many forms. They provide emotional support; information; linkage to treatment and recovery support services; and connection to the broader recovery community.
The IPWC recognizes the need to grow Iowa’s behavioral health workforce, including the number of recovery coaches. In 2024, we offered several trainings for recovery coaches and their supervisors through the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). So far this year, 116 people completed the foundational Recovery Coach Academy training. In addition, 119 recovery coaches or their supervisors completed four specialty trainings: Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches, Recovery Coaching in the Emergency Department, Recovery Coaching in Justice Settings, or Coachervision.
The IPWC will continue to offer recovery coach training, along with a host of other training for peer professionals. All training is provided at no cost to Iowa’s peers through Iowa HHS funding. For Upcoming IPWC Training, click here.