In July 2021, the Iowa Department of Human Services (IDHS) awarded a contract to the University of Iowa National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice (UI-NRC) in partnership with the UI Department of Pediatrics, UI Division of Child Community Health (DCCH), in collaboration with Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC). This contract is to provide comprehensive training for Iowa’s peer workforce. The partnership also provides technical assistance to agencies and organizations across Iowa that have a peer workforce. The project provides training for Peer Support Specialists (PSS), Family Peer Support Specialists (FPSS), and Recovery Coaches (RC) to grow the workforce and organizations that employ peers. This partnership is called the Iowa Peer Workforce Collaborative. It is made possible through funding from Iowa Health and Human Services (MHDS-21-013).

To learn about the role of Peer and Family Peer Support Specialists in Iowa, consider reviewing the scope of practice documents: